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Wanna Know about Me?

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(I like this Font!)

I guess I should go to the basics:

~I don't have a normal family

~~I am AZn that's y i'm saying "Go w/ The Azn Style!!" and "Azn pride!!"

~~~I don't wanna say where I was born in case some of you people r murders or somethin'

~~~~I'm nice (I guess)

~~~~~I don't wanna say when I was born, but I'll Give you a big fat clue(u gotta c the keyboard 4 numbers: *@***

~~~~~~I like cute guys (who r older than me!!) (kinda)

~~~~~~~My motto is "People can never ever live w/o music" by Confusious.

~~~~~~~~I'm kinda the youngest one in the family~

Smile The Azn Style!!!!!   Or Else!!!!!!!! j/k! but still........