Since 1995
| MICROSOFT PUBLISHER Publisher is a very powerful and useful desktop publishing software. This course offers a series of training exercises for the student with or without publishing experience/background. After finishing the course, students can design and create professional fliers and newsletters for their specific application. From about 300 pictures/clipart, 36 shapes, 150 borders, 24 frame backgrounds, and hundreds of colors, students can add shadow effects, change character color/font, move and resize objects to create a great variety of publishing tasks. 8 hours $240 中英文排版軟體 ( Microsoft Publisher ): 這個課程教導如何運用最好的排版軟體Microsoft Publisher 製作比文書處理軟體更複雜的版面設計,學習將文字、美術字體、圖形、藝術框邊等編排在一頁上,設計任何傳單、封頁、日曆、卡片、目錄等。本課程廣為學生所喜愛。 ( 8小時 240元 中級班 ) ( 12小時 350元 進階班 )